Category Archives: Media & Culture

Hmmm…TV versus Books?

Evening Readers! I would like to pose a question, do you prefer books or do you prefer TV? I decided to write about this topic because of the massive changes in technology over the last few decades, in fact over the last few years, which are changing our lives beyond recognition. My generation (don’t forget I am only 18) is the first generation to grow up with the Internet, TV and mobile phones to name a few. Technology is practically ingrained into our lives now. Whereas my parents and even my older sister (25) has see the development of technology which is getting faster and faster.

Even though I could say a lot more about this topic, I’m focusing on books because of the threat to them. In answer to my own question I posed at the beginning of this post, I love books and I love to read. TV doesn’t even compare to the power and wonder books can bring. One of my earliest memories is of my dad reading books to me every night and I fell in love with how books and stories can capture your imagination. Due to reading a lot when I was younger, I can now read very fast (several books in a day when I’m not busy) and by the age of 11 I was reading adult fiction books. I’m probably making you think I’m a nerd or whatever; I didn’t just read, don’t worry. However I think this has set me apart from quite a few members of my generation, I know many people my age who don’t read at all, they much prefer TV.

Don’t get me wrong, I do like well made TV (yes, soaps do not class as well made) and sometimes it’s nice when you don’t want to do anything but just relax. Most of the time I find it incredibly boring though, I imagine plenty of people disagree and find reading boring too. However I find it boring because it’s not very active in the same ways reading is. When your reading, you can let your imagination take over and you can put yourself in the story. With TV you just can’t do that.

I am probably being slightly harsh on TV here but with one in five adult Americans unable to read, scary considerings its one of the most developed countries in the world. We have a reading epidemic. However there is some great TV like Doctor Who, Sherlock Holmes, Broadchurch, Game of Thrones etc which I could happily watch and do. Plus don’t forget all the great documentaries on the TV as well. All in all, books will always have a special place in my heart and we should encourage more people to read books (even if it’s on a e-reader device or borrowed from a library) but TV can be a nice addition to our lives; depending on what you watch. Socialist Number 1 signing off. 🙂

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BBC’s The Village! Does it has resonance?

Near Sedburgh

Hello readers (We need a name for you, if you’re reading this) The Village aired on BBC One last Sunday (31st April 2013) and as the other channels had nothing of real interest on and wishing to kill some time I switched it on. Having not seen any advertisements or articles in papers or online beforehand I was unaware what I would experience; what I did, was quite frankly some amazing TV.

Over the past few years I’ve noticed that Sunday night television has become rather bland and calm (although this looks like a dig at Downton Abbey, I can assure you I am a fan) but the BBC has seriously raised the bar. So far I am totally in love, in love with the scenery, it makes you truely proud to be British when you see just how beautiful the land we live in really is, and being from Yorkshire I get to see these scenes alot, not as much as I would like, but still alot. The characters, the filming. It’s all so amazing. I’ve nagged and attempted to make Socialist No 1 watch, but to little avail. If you have watched The Village, or haven’t (link to BBC iPlayer below, not sure if the link works outside the UK) please watch. Make sure you don’t miss tonights episode.

As always I cannot watch TV without my political glasses on and this show really does highlight the state of the country before we had a welfare state. Something which we really should look at now before we start to think of the system as a waste, many people, including families like mine rely on the system to keep us clothed, warm and fed. What is happening now, in the media, in discussions is slightly scary. Demonising welfare claimants is just wrong. Reducing money that people require to live on is wrong. Giving the rich a tax cut is wrong, although I have no doubt Mr Cameron and Co will have many media interviews to assure us that this is a great deal for our economy, but that’s a different rant, for a different day.

Socialist No 2, Signing Out

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